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collateral evidence是什么意思
发布时间:2020-12-09 作者: 英语查
collateral evidence 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | 旁证,间接证据。
| | | collateral: adj. 1.侧面的;旁边的;旁系的;间接的;副的;附属 ... | | evidence: n. 1.根据,证据。 2.形迹,迹象,痕迹。 3.【法 ... | |
例句与用法 | 1. | From the teachings of our beloved master and from numerous personal experiences of our fellow initiates , we all understand that the inner light and sound can help us not only in our spiritual development , but also in maintaining our physical health . recent advances in light and sound therapies in medical practice also provide collateral evidence , convincing us further that even the outer physical light and sound can be effective in healing the body , let alone the inner light and sound that we meditate on every day . the positive visible and invisible effects of the inner light and sound are demonstrated in the lives of many people 从师父的教理及同修的亲身体验中,我们都很清楚地知道:内在的光和音不仅长养我们的灵性,对我们肉体的健康也非常有帮助最近医学上一些运用光和音治疗技术的研究也对这一点提供了旁证,让我们更深切地相信,即便只是使用外在物质的光和音来治疗身体的症状,都已有显著的功效,更何况我们每天打坐观内在的光和音,其有形无形的功效更有许多人亲身验证。
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